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This database contains State Human Trafficking Task Force information | ||||||
State | Name | Funding | Active Mbers | Goals | Link | Training |
Alabama | No Task Force | None | ||||
Alaska (Anchorage)* | Anchorage- Alaska Coalition on Trafficking (ACT) | BJA/OVC | Anchorage Police Department, Vice Unit; FBI; U.S. Attorney's Office; The Salvation Army; Child Protection Workers; Social Service providers | 1)Investigate and seek to identify and prosecute pimps and individuals responsible for the sexual exploitation of children through prostitution 2) Identify and rescue children involved in prostitution | Alaska Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement |
American Samoa | Territorial Anti-Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | American Samoa Government Office of Territorial and International Criminal Intelligence | To increase the: 1) identification of trafficking victims through the development of proactive law enforcement tactics; 2) rescue of trafficking victims and provision of needed services; and 3) successful prosecution of human traffickers | American Samoa DHS | Law Enforcement |
Arizona (Phoenix)* | Arizona League to End Regional Trafficking (ALERT) | In 2003 BJA/OVC/ Presently various funding sources | ALERT; Salvation Army; Catholic Charities; Attorney General's Office; International Rescue Committee; various community and business leaders | Support victims of trafficking; public awareness; train various communities in victim identification | Arizona League to End Regional Trafficking | Community |
Greater Phoenix Area Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC State and Local Funding | ALERT; U.S. Attorney's Office; ICE; Salvation Army; FBI; U.S. Dept. of Labor; Phoenix PD; Attorney General's Office | Increase collaboration to better assist victims; Support victims of trafficking; public awareness; train various communities in victim identification | Phoenix Police Department | Law Enforcement; Service Providers; Prosecutors; Community; Public Sector | |
Arkansas | Arkansas Civil Rights Working Group | No Federal Funding | FBI; Catholic Charities of Arkansas | To bring awareness of what human trafficking is | Arkansas Catholic- Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement; community and religious leaders |
California (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento and Orange County)* | California Alliance to Combat Trafficking and Slavery Task Force (CA ACTS) | State Funded | CALCASA; Attorney General's Office; CAST; CA Public Defenders Association; CA State Sheriff's Association; Dept. of Social Services; CA District Attorney's Association; Oakland PD; Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach; CA Partnership to End Domestic Violence; Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of LA; CA Dept. of Health Services; CA Commission on the Status of Women; Labor and Workforce Development Agency; UCLA; San Diego County Sheriff's Dept.; San Francisco County District Attorney's Office; Lideres Campesinas | Collect data on trafficking in persons in California; collaboration between government and NGOs for protecting victims; prosecuting persons engaged in trafficking; public awareness; protect and assist victims | Human Trafficking in California- Final Report | None |
East Bay Task Force on Human Trafficking (Oakland) | BJA/OVC and California Emergency Management Agency Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force Recovery Act Program | Oakland PD; Alameda County Office of the District Attorney; Alameda County Sheriff's Dept.; Alameda PD; Albany PD; Berkeley PD; Emeryville PD; Fremont PD; Hayward PD; Livermore PD; Newark PD; San Leandro PD; Asian Pacific Islander Legal Outreach; SAGE Project; Asian Women's Shelter; Cameron House; Lawyer's Committee for Civil Rights; Narika; Next Door Solutions | Increase public awareness; identification and rescue of victims; and improve the investigation and prosecution of traffickers | Oakland Police Department- Vice and Child Exploitation | All (law enforcement; NGO; emergency first responders; junior high and high school teachers, administrators and students | |
California (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento and Orange County)* | Los Angeles Metropolitan Area Task Force on Human Trafficking | BJA/OVC/ California Emergency Management Agency Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force | U.S. Attorney's Office; LAPD; CAST; LAFLA; U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; Prostitution Research and Education; Polaris Project LA; U.S. Dept. of Labor; March Against Terror, USA; LA Sheriff's Dept.; LA City Commission on the Status of Women; ICE; LA County Dept. of Children and Family Services; Salvation Army; South Asian Network; Sisters of Norte Dame; FBI; Asian Pacific Counseling and Treatment Ctr.; Asian Pacific Ctr.; CA Dept. of Social Services; Casa de Familia; Catholic Charities; CA State University; Legal Aid Foundation of LA | To increase identification of trafficking victims; assist trafficking victims with applications for T-visas and CP in the U.S.; development of service protocols for response to human trafficking incidents; public awareness and outreach; collaborate with community stakeholders | LAPD- Task Force on Human Trafficking | All (law enforcement; city employees; general public) |
North Bay Area Human Trafficking Task Force (San Francisco) | BJA/OVC/ California Emergency Management Agency Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force | San Francisco PD, Vice Crimes Division; Sonoma County Sheriff's Dept.; United Against Sexual Assault of Sonoma County; FBI; SAGE; other law enforcement and nonprofit organizations | Victim-centered approach to respond to trafficking victims | CAL Emergency Management Agency | Law Enforcement; parents; communities | |
Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force (OCHTTF) | BJA/OVC and DHHS funding | Westminster PD; Salvation Army; FBI; ICE; Assistant U.S. Attorney, CSP Inc. Victim Assistance Programs; other Law enforcement, NGO and Faith Based Organizations | Increase identification of human trafficking victims, promote the successful prosecution of human trafficking cases and to protect trafficking victims | Orange County Human Trafficking Task Force | Law Enforcement; Volunteers; First Responder; Service Providers | |
California (Los Angeles, San Francisco, Sacramento and Orange County)* | San Diego Regional Anti-Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC/ California Emergency Management Agency Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force | San Diego County Sheriff's Department; Salvation Army; Bilateral Safety Corridor Coalition; U.S. Attorney's Office | To increase the identification of trafficking victims through proactive law enforcement tactics, increase successful prosecution of traffickers, and to insure victim safety and access to needed services | San Diego Sherif's Office- Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement |
San Jose Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC/ California Emergency Management Agency Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force | San Jose PD; Santa Clara County District Attorney; South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking; DOJ; Salvation Army; Stop Trafficking; U.S. Attorney Office; Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office; ICE; FBI; Catholic Charities of Santa Clara County | Victim-centered approach to respond to trafficking victims | San Jose Police Department- Stop Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement; NGOs; Service Providers; Educators; Private Sector; Prosecutors | |
Colorado (Denver)* | Colorado Interagency Task Force on Trafficking in Persons (State-wide)/ Colorado Network to End Human Trafficking (CoNEHT) | BJA/OVC | Salvation Army; Colorado Dept. of Public Safety; Governor's Office; Law Enforcement agencies; victim's rights agencies; Attorney General's Office | Public awareness; training law enforcement and community; research human trafficking data; provide victims with needed services | Department of Public Safety- Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement; Service Providers; Community |
Colorado Network to End Human Trafficking | ||||||
Connecticut | STOP IT- Smuggling and Trafficking of Persons Investigative Task Force (State-wide) | BJA/OVC | Chief Court Administrator; Chief Public Defender; CT Sate Police; U.S. Attorney's Office; Project Rescue CT; ACLU CT; Saint Joseph College; Dept. of Public Health; Victim Advocate; Child Advocate CT; Dept. of Labor; CT Sexual Assault Crisis Services; Attorney General's Office; CT Coalition Against Domestic Violence; Commission on Children; Democracy Works; Winsted PD; Dept. of Social Services; PCSW; CT State Police; Dept. of Children & Families; Office of Victim Services; African American Affairs Commission; CT Women's Consortium; Latino & Puerto Rican Affairs Commission | Research the extent of trafficking in Connecticut; determine what services are available to victims; and determine how well equipped Connecticut law enforement agencies are to deal with the problem | Permanent Commission on the Status of Women- Human Trafficking Task Force | None Specified |
Delaware | No Task Force | None | ||||
District of Columbia* | District of Columbia Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | U.S. Attorney's Office; D.C. AG Office; D.C. Metro PD, Prostitution Enforcement Unit & Youth Investigation Branch; FBI; DOJ; DoS; ICE; DOL; DHHS; National Ctr for Mission & Exploited Children; African Tourism Org; Asian Pacific American Legal Resource Ctr; Ayuda; Beat People SoS; Break the Chain Campaign; Bridge to Freedom Foundation; CASA; Courtney's House; FAIR Fund; Global Centurion; HIPS; Innocents At Risk; Latin American Youth Center; Polaris Project; Prevent Human Trafficking; Restoration Ministries; Sasha Bruce Youthwork; Shared Hope; Stop Modern Slavery-DC and VA; Tahirih Justice Center; U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops; Women Empowered Against Violence, Inc. | 1) To facilitate a more coordinated anti-trafficking effort in the D.C. area through protocol development, extensive community outreach, proactive investigations, law enforcement training, intelligence sharing, and more formalized partnerships 2) To identify citizen, resident and transnational victims of both sex and labor trafficking. 3) To provide comprehensive services to trafficking victims. 4) To increase the prosecution of traffickers. | U.S. Attorney's Office- DC Human Trafficking Task Force | Law Enforcement |
Florida (Miami and Jacksonville)* | Clearwater/Tampa Bay Area Regional Task Force | BJA/OVC | Clearwater Florida PD; U.S. Attorney's Office; Office of the State Attorney; Pinellas County Sheriff's Office; Pasco County Sheriff's Office; Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office; Regional Community Policing Institute; Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement; Ice; FBI; St. Petersburg PD; Largo PD; Pinellas Park PD; Florida Dept. of Health; Social Security Administration, Office of Inspector General; World Relief; Haven Spouse Abuse Shelter; Gulf Coast Legal Services, Inc.; Salvation Army; Clearwater Hispanic Outreach Center | To identify and rescue victims, create a coordinated law enforcement system to investigate and prosecute these crimes, and to deliver social, legal and immigration services to human trafficking victims | Clearwater Human Trafficking Task Force | Law Enforcement; Service Providers |
Collier County Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | Collier County Sheriff's Office | Collier County Sheriff's Office | Local Law Enforcement | ||
Florida (Miami and Jacksonville)* | Florida Human Trafficking Task Force (State-wide) | State Funded | Dept. of Children and Families; Dept. of Law Enforcement;Commission on Human Relations; Dept. of Health; Division of Aloholic Beverages and Tobacco; Coalition of Immokalee Workers; FL Coalition Against Domestic Violence; Int'l Rescue Committee; Immigrant Advocacy Center; Miami-Dade PD; U.S. Attorney's Office; Attorney General's Office; State Surgeon General; Statewide Prosecutor; FSU; FL Coalition Against Human Trafficking; FL Freedom Partnership; Gulf Coast Legal Services; FL Council Against Sexual Violence; Port Orange PD; Lee County Sheriff's Office; Dept. of Corrections | To examine and analyze the problem of human trafficking and to plan for a coordinated, humane response for victims through a review of existing programs and revised policy efforts to coordinate governmental and private efforts | Florida Human Trafficking Task Force | None Specified |
Lee County Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | Lee County Sheriff's Office; Esperanza Project; Florida Coalition Against Human Trafficking | Human Trafficking Awareness Partnership | Law Enforcement | ||
South Florida Human Trafficking Task Force (Miami-Dade) | BJA/OVC | Miami-Dade PD; ICE; FBI; State Dept.-Diplomatic Security; Dept. of Labor; Homestead PD; Dept. of labor; DHHS; U.S. Attorney's Office; Florida Dept. of Law Enforcement | Provide Training to law enforcement agencies and conduct outreach to other governmental agencies | Immigration and Customs Enforcement | Law Enforcement | |
Florida (Miami and Jacksonville)* | Northeast Florida Human Trafficking Task Force (Jacksonville) | Zonta; Jacksonville Sheriff's Office; Dept. od Children & Families; Justice Coalition; World Relief; Attorney General's Office; Legal Aid & Victim Services; FBI; U.S. Attorney's Office; law enforcement; NGOs | Develop a systematic approach to identifying, rescuing, and restoring victims of human trafficking through professional training, community awareness, technical assistance, coordinating services, and investigating and prosecuting traffickers | FBI- Human Trafficking Task Force | Law Enforcement; Service Providers | |
Jacksonville Sheriff's Office- Human Trafficking Press Releases | ||||||
Georgia (Atlanta)* | Atlanta Police Department Human Trafficking Task Force | Funded for Three Years by the Federal Government that helped form the task force | Atalanta Police Department | Stopping child prostitution and trafficking | Atlanta Police Department- Special Enforcement Section | None Specified |
Guam | Guam Human Trafficking Task Force | FBI | FBI | To combat human trafficking | FBI- Human Trafficking | Medical Community; Law Enforcement |
Hawaii (Honolulu)* | Hawaii Anti-Trafficking Task Force (State-wide) | BJA/OVC | Attorney General's Office; Pacific Gateway Center; Healty Start Family Support; Teen intervention Program; Lt. Gov.'s Office; FBI; ICE; Sex Abuse Treatment Ctr.; Free the Slaves; Child and Family Services; hawaii House of Rep.; Prosecuting Attorney's Office; Hawaii AFL-CIO; Hawaii PD; Hawaii County Police; Family Violence protection Fund; Hawaii Youth Services Network; Catholic Charities; Salvation Army; Hawaii Coalition Against Human Trafficking | Seeks to educate victim and law enforcement personnel that human trafficking is a violation of internatinoal and U.S. law and is prohibited for forced labor and mistreatment | Attorney General-Hawaii Anti-Trafficking Task Force Report | State Agencies; NGOs; Private Entities |
Honolulu Police Department- Criminal Investigation Division | ||||||
Idaho | Idaho Network to End Domestic Violence & Trafficking Against Immigrants (State-wide) | OVC | OVC Victim Assistance for Idaho; OVC Victim Compensation for Idaho; Catholic Charities of Idaho; YMCA; U.S. Attorney's Office; University of Idaho; U.S. Sneator; Governor's Office; Nampa PD; Mountain Home PD; Meridian PD; DHS USCIS; various state and local government agencies; faith-based organizations; NGOS | Idaho Network to End Domestic Violence & Trafficking Against Immigrants | Service Providers; Community; Law Enforcement | |
Illinois (Chicago)* | Chicago Regional Human Trafficking Task Force (CTTF) | BJA/OVC | Chicago Police Dept.; Heartland Alliance | Educate law enforcement community about trafficking | Illinois Governor | Law Enforcement |
Indiana (Indianapolis)* | Indiana Protection of Abused and Trafficked Humans (IPATH)Task Force (Indianopolis) | BJA/OVC | U.S. Attorney's Office; Exodus Refugee Immigration; FBI; Julian Center; local police | Training law enforcement, social workers, hospital personnel to detect sex and labor trafficking | Julian Center | Law Enforcement; Service Providers; Hospital Personnel; Businesses |
Iowa | Northern Iowa Human Trafficking Response Team (State-wide) | State Funded | U.S. Attorney's Office; Iowa Division of Criminal Investigation; Drug Enforcement Agency; Dept. of Labor; FBI; ICE; Internal Revenue Service | To help victims and bring criminals to justice | Iowa Attorney's Office- Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement; Service Providers; Health Care Providers |
Kansas (Wichita)* | No Task Force | |||||
Kentucky | Louisville Human Trafficking Task Force | No consistent funding/ Has applied for federal grant | Catholic Charities; local and federal law enforcement; Center for Women & Families; Commonwealth's Attorney's Office; immigration attorneys; children's advocacy centers; survivors; and other community partners | Identify victims; provide victims needed services; educate the pubilc and law enforcement | Archdiocese of Louisville- Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement; Service Providers |
Lexington Human Trakking Task Force | State Funded | Health and Family Services; Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center; U.S Attorney's Office; Dept. of Labor; FBI; ICE; Lexington Division of Police; Dept. of Criminal Justice Training; Lexington-Fayett Urban County Government Domestic Violence Prevention Board; Catholic Charities; Maxwell Street Legal Clinic; Bluegrass Domestic Violence Program; Legal Aid of the Blugrass; Kentucky Association of Sexual Assault Programs; Attorney General's Office; Kentucky Domestic Violence Association | Identify victims; raising awareness; training local law enforcement, service providers, victim adovates and lawyers | Lexington Human Trafficking Task Force | Local Law Enforcement; Service Providers; Victim Advocates; Lawyers | |
Louisiana | Louisiana Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement; Louisiana Sheriff's Association; Metro Center for Women and Children | Identification and rescue, enforcement, prosecution, victim services, community outreach, training, and data collection & reporting | Louisiana Human Trafficking Task Force | Law Enforcement; Service Providers |
Maine | Maine Human Trafficking Task Force (State-wide) | State Funded | State Senate; State House of Represenatives member; Attorney General's Office; Commission of Health and Human Services; Public Safety; Dept. of Labor; health care provider; social service agencies | To propose appropriate crimial statutes and to develop methods for a coordinated approach to assisting victims of human trafficking | Maine Human Trafficking Task Force | None Specified |
Maryland* | Maryland Human Trafficking Task Force (State-wide) | State Funded | MD AG Office; ICE; FBI; MD State Police; Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Montgomery County, Prince Georges County, and Baltimore County PD; CASA; Mayor's Office; Johns Hopkins University; East Baltimore Health Center; Int'l Refugee Committee; Legal Aid of MD; Lutheran Social Services; MD Sexual Assault Legal Institute; MD Transportation Authority; MD Dept. of Human Resources; Mercy Medical Center; SAFE; Office of the Public Defender of MD; U.S. Attorney's Office; Polaris; Shared Hope; Salvation Army; Churches; and YANA (You Are Never Alone), Inc. | 1)To increase the successful investigation and prosecution of human traffickers at the local, state and federal levels 2)To increase and coordinate the provision of services to victims of human trafficking 3)To establish protocols and procedures for local, state and federal law enforcement and victim service agencies to follow when trafficking matters are discovered 4)To raise public awareness | Maryland US Attorney's Office-Human Trafficking | Public Awareness |
Massachusetts (Boston)* | Boston Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | Boston PD.; Massachusetts State Police; FBI; ICE; S.E.E.N Coalition; My Life My Choice; Kim's Project; Project Reach; International Institute of Boston | Rescuing and supporting victims; investigation human traffickers; prosecuting human traffickers and those that conspire with them; focus on International victims and commercial sexual exploitation of children | Massachusetts Human Trafficking Task Force | None Specified |
International Institute of Boston, Massachusetts Trafficking Assistance Coalition | OVC and various other private and public foundations, corporate foundations, local, state, and federal organizations | Massachusetts and other New England States Service Providers | Specialized mental health and crisis intervention services; training and technical support on trauma and mental health | International Institute of Boston, Service Providers | Service Providers; Employers; Health Providers | |
Michigan (Detroit)* | Michigan Human Trafficking Task Force (state-wide) | State Funded | Project Liberty; Hope Project; Michigan State University | Encourage collaboration between law enforcement and victims service providers | Michigan State University | Offer Speakers |
Minnesota | St. Paul Police Department Gerald D. Vick Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | Minnesota Chiefs of Police Association; U.S. Attorney's Office; Dept. of Public Safety, Office of Justice Programs; Minnesota Sheriff's Association; Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension; Minnesota Dept. of Health; Council on Asian Pacific Minnesotans; St. Paul Police Dept.; Hennepin County Attorney's Office; Minnesota Chicano-Latino Affairs Council; Ramsey County Attorney's Office; Attorney General's Office | To advise the commissioner on a statewide trafficking assessment and on the commissioner's plan to address human trafficking and prevent future trafficking in Minnesota | Office of Justice Programs- Human Trafficking Task Force | Law Enforcement; Prosecutors |
St. Paul Human Trafficking Task Force (state-wide policy) | State Funded | Office of Justice Programs- Human Trafficking Task Force | None Specified | |||
Mississippi | No Task Force | None | ||||
Missouri | St. Louis Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | U.S. Attorney's Office; Independence PD; Hope House; ICE; FBI; US Dept. of Labor- Wage and Hour Division; DHHS; Jackson County Attorney's Office; Kansas City, Missouri PD; Attorney General's Office; Coalition Against Human Trafficking; Human Trafficking Working Group | Aggressively prosecute modern-day slave traders and providing needed assistance to their victims | US Attorney's Office- Eastern District of Missouri | Community |
Central Missouri Stop Human Trafficking Coalition | Grant through the federal Adminstration for Children and Families | University of Missouri; community members; Cole County Prosecutor's Office; law enforcement | Raise pubilc awareness of trafficking, to identify victims and to connect these victims to services | Central Missouri Stop Human Trafficking Coalition | Service Providers | |
Montana | No Task Force | None | ||||
Nebraska | No Task Force | None | ||||
Nevada (Las Vegas and Reno)* | Southern Nevada Human Trafficking Task Force (Las Vegas and Reno) | BJA/OVC | FBI; Reno PD; Metro PD; Henderson PD; Nevada Child Seekers; Salvation Army; Attorney General's Office; Westcare; Shade Tree Shelter for Women & Children; U.S. Attorney's Office; ICE | Focus on Child Sex Trafficking | Las Vegas Metro Police Department- Crimes Against Youth & Family Bureau | Law Enforcement; Prosecutors; NGOs |
New Hampshire | No Task Force | None Specified | ||||
New Jersey (Newark and Atlantic City)* | New Jersey Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | Atlantic County Women's Ctr; Catholic Charities; Catholic Social Services of NJ; Congressman Christopher H. Smith; Covenant House; FBI; Legal Services of NJ; Attorney General' s Office; NJ Division of Criminal Justice; NJ Division of State Police; NJ Division of Youth and Family Services; NJ Child Assault Prevention; NJ Coalition Against Sexual Assault; NJ Coalition for Battered Women; NJ Office of Homeland Security; NJ Victims of Crime Compensation Office; PathstoneCorporation; Polaris; U.S. Attorney's Office; ICE; Union County Prosecutor's Office | 1) Train and
assist law enforcement in methods of identifying victims and signs of
trafficking in order to disrupt and interdict this activity 2)Coordinate
statewide efforts in the identification and provision of services to victims of human trafficking 3)Increase the successful interdiction and prosecution of trafficking of human persons |
New Jersey- Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement; Prosecutors |
New Mexico | New Mexico Human Trafficking Task Force (State-wide) | State Funded | ICE; U.S. Attorney's Office; Attorney General's Office; Federal and Local Law Enforcement; Faith-based community ; victims services | Develop policy and protocols; train law enforcement; support victim services; increase public awareness | New Mexico Attorney General- Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement |
New York (New York City)* | Western District of New York Human Trafficking Task Force and Alliance (Erie County) | BJA/OVC | U.S. Attorney's Office; Erie County Sheriff's Office; ICE; FBI; Customs and Border Protection; International Institute of Buffalo; Farmworkers' Legal Services | Will train law enforcement agencies to spot potential trafficking victims and organizations and focus resources on prosecutions | Erie County Sheriff's Office | Law Enforcement; Service Providers; Community |
FBI: DOJ Press Release NY Human Trafficking Task Force | ||||||
New York (New York City)* | New York Interagency Task Force on Human Trafficking (State-wide) | State Funded | DCJS; OTDA; Crime Victims Board; NY Dept. of Health; NY Dept. of Labor; NY Division of State Police; Alcoholism & Substance Abuse Services; Office of Children and Family Services; Office of Mental Health; Office for the Prevention of Domestic Violence; Erie County Sheriff's Office; NYC PD; NY County District Attorney; Attorney General's Office; Court Administration; U.S. Attorney's Office; Suffolk County PD; ICE; NY State Association of Chiefs of Police; Dept. of Agriculture & Markets; Division of Housing and Community Renewal; Office of Mental Retardation & Development Disabilities | Conduct awareness activities statewide; establish services for victims; provide statewide training; to cooridinate the State's efforts to combat human trafficking | NY State Human Trafficking Task Force | Law Enforcement; Service Providers; Prosecutors |
New York City Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | US Attorney's Office- Eastern District of New York | Law Enforcement | |||
Long Island Regional Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force (Suffolk County/Nassau County) | BJA/OVC | ICE; FBI; Nassau PD; U.S. Attorney's Office; Suffolk PD; State Dept. of Labor; Catholic Charities; Safe Horizon | Eastern District of NY USAO- Human Trafficking Task Force | Law Enforcement; Service Providers | ||
North Carolina | RIPPLE North Carolina Human Trafficking Task Force (State-wide) | State Funded | Pitt County Sheriff's Office; Attorney General's Office; NC Coalition Against Sexual Assault; FBI; U.S. Attorney's Office; Salvation Army; Raleigh PD; Carolina Women's Center; Governor's Crime Commission; Legal Aid of North Carolina; Luthern Family Services; NC Dept. of Health & Human Services; NC justice Academy; Triad Ladder of Hope; World Relief | To arrest and prosecute traffickiers, and identify victims and connect them to appropriate services | NC Human Trafficking Task Force | Law Enforcement; Service Providers; Prosecutors; Community |
Pitt County North Carolina Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | Pitt County Sheriff's Office; Guilford County Sheriff's Office; FBI; U.S. Attorney's Office | NC Human Trafficking Task Force | |||
North Dakota | No Task Force | None | ||||
Northern Marianas (Saipan) | Human Trafficking Intervention Coalition | BJA/OVC | CNMI Dept. of Public Safety; CNMI Labor Investigation Unit; FBI; U.S. marshals; U.S. Attorney's Office; Guam Esperansa; Karidat; NMI Red Cross Chapter; and private and government agencies | CNMI-Department of Public Safety | Law Enforcement | |
Ohio (Toledo and Cleveland)* | Ohio Human Trafficking Task Force (State-wide) | State Funded | Salvation Army; Attorney General's Office | To build a better understanding of the scope of the problem of human trafficking in Ohio | Ohio Trafficking in Persons Study Commission | None Specified |
Oklahoma (Oklahoma City)* | FBI Human Trafficking Task Force in Oklahoma City | FBI | FBI; Oklahomans Against Trafficking of Humans | Identify victims and provide them services needed | Oklahomans Against Trafficking of Humans | Prosecutors; Service Providers; Faith-Based Organizations; Law Enforcement; Community; Healthcare Providers |
Oregon (Portland)* | Multnomah County Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | Multnomah County Sheriff's Detective; Catholic Charities of Oregon; OVC Victim Assistance for Oregon; OVC Victim Compensation for Oregon; U.S. Attorney's Office | Spreading awareness, educating citizens, identifying victims and connecting thenm to services, and to gather evidence in trafficking cases | Multnomah County Sheriff's Office- Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement |
Pennsylvania | No Task Force | None | ||||
Rhode Island | Rhode Island Human Trafficking Task Force (State-wide) | State funded | Attorney General's Office; Rhode Island State Police; Municipal Police Training Academy; City of Providence Police Chief; Rhode Island Commission on Women; various victim service organizations | Will examine and report upon the extent of the existence of human trafficking for commercial sexual activity within the State of Rhode Island and make recommendations for legislative and excutive action | Rhode Island Commission on Women- Human Trafficking | None Specified |
South Carolina | No Task Force | None | ||||
South Dakota | No Task Force | None | ||||
Tennessee | No Task Force | |||||
Texas (Dallas and Houston)* | Austin Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | Central Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking; Austin PD-Human Trafficking Unit; Dept. of Public Safety; FBI; ICE; Internal Revenue Service; Office of Attorney General; Refugee Services of Texas; Social Security Administration; Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission; Travis County District Attorney's Office; Travis County Sheriff's Office; U.S. Attorney's office; U.S. Dept. of Labor- Wage & Hour Division | Improve law enforcement communication and cooperation as well as enhance coordination of victim services | Central Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement; Service Providers; Health Care Providers; All interested agencies and groups |
Texas (Dallas and Houston)* | South Texas Coalition Against Human Trafficking/Slavery Task Force (Bexar County/San Antonio) | BJA/OVC | Catholic Charities; ICE; Bexar County Sheriff's Office | Trafficking Coalitions in Texas | Law Enforcement; Service Providers | |
North Texas Anti-Trafficking Task Force (Dallas/Fort Worth)* | BJA/OVC | Dallas PD; Ft. Worth PD; Mosaic Family Services; FBI; ICE; Attorney General's Office; law enforcement agencies; and service providers | To identify and rescue victims of human trafficking leading to the prosecution of human traffickers and to promote public awareness of human trafficking | Fort Worth PD- Human Trafficking | Law Enforcement; NGOs; Healthcare Providers; Legal Providers; Social Service Providers | |
El Paso Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | FBI; Salvation Army; El Paso PD; El Paso County Sheriff's Office; El Paso Attorney's Office; ICE; Teaxas Alcoholic Beverage Commission; U.S. Attorney's Office; U.S. Border Patrol; Dept. of Labor-Wage & Hour Division; Center Against Family Violence; Diocesan Migrant & Refugee Services; International Catholic Migration Commission; Las Americas Immigratant Advocacy Ctr.; Sexual Trauma and Assault Response Services | To identify and rescue victims of human trafficking and ensure that their traffickers are prosecuted | El Paso Human Trafficking Task Force | None Specified | |
Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance (Houston/Harris County)* | BJA/OVC | FBI; ICE; Houston PD; Harris County Sheriff's Office; U.S. Attorney's office; Houston Rescue and Restore Coalition; YMCA Houston; and members of other state and federal law enforcement agencies | To identify and assist the victims of human trafficking and to effectively identify, apprehend and prosecute those engaged in trafficking offenses | Harris County Sheriff's office- Human Trafficking Rescue Alliance | Law Enforcement | |
Texas Human Trafficking Prevention Task Force (State-wide) | State Funded | Attorney General's Office; Travis County Attorney's Office; Bexar County Attorney's Office; Texas governor; Health and Human Services Commission; Dept. of Family and Protective Services; Dept. of Public Safety; Workforce Commission; Dept. of Criminal Justice; Youth Commission; Juvenile Probation Commission; Alcoholic Beverage Commission; Local Law Enforcement; multiple service organizations and trade associations | Raise Awareness, eliminate the demand for trafficked labor, understanding the routes traffickers use, report statistics, and develop policies and procedures that will facilitate human trafficking prosecutions | Texas Attorney General- Human Trafficking | None Specified | |
Utah | Utah Human Trafficking Task Force (Salt Lake City) | BJA/OVC | Salt Lake City PD; Salvation Army; U.S. Attorney's Office; ICE; FBI; Attorney General's Office; Utah Health & Human Rights Project; Salt Lake City Prosecutors Office; local law enforcement | 1)To identify and rescue victims of human trafficking, while arresting and prosecuting the perpetrators 2)To train first responders on recognizing the signs of human trafficking | FBI Salt Lake City- Human Trafficking Task Force | Law Enforcement; First Responders |
Vermont | No Task Force | None | ||||
U.S. Virgin Islands | No Task Force | None | ||||
Virginia | Richmond Area Child Exploitation (RACE) Working Group | Locally Funded | FBI; ICE; Goochland County Sheriff's Office; Hanover County Sheriff's office; Henrico PD; U.S. Postal inspection Service; Richmond PD; Virginia State Police | To combat interstate and cyber exploitation of children | FBI-IINI task Force | None Specified |
Washington (Seattle)* | Washington Advisory Committee on Trafficking (WASHACT) based in Seattle | BJA/OVC | U.S. Attorney's Office; International Rescue Committee; OVC Victim Assistance for Washington; FBI; Seattle PD; refugee Women's Alliance | 1) Increased identification of victims 2) Enhance coordinated enforcement 3) Leverage existing and additional funding to provide comprehensive services to victims | Washington Advisory Committee on Trafficking (WashACT) | None Specified |
Seattle Police Department- Human Trafficking | ||||||
West Virginia | No Task Force | None | ||||
Wisconsin | Milwaukee Federal Human Trafficking Task Force | BJA/OVC | U.S. Attorney's Office; Milwaukee Police Department | WI DOJ- Office of Crime Victim Services | Law Enforement; Service Providers | |
Wisconsin Human Trafficking Resources | ||||||
Wyoming | No Task Force | None |

ICAST started because the world is not a peaceful, loving place as God our Heavenly Parent intended. ICAST is a calling from God, we will be misunderstood and occasionally overwhelmed by the magnitude of this evil we will encounter, but we remain committed and involved in this just and noble cause because this is what God has called us to do.
42 Task Forces by State
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